Truckee/Tahoe Services

Tahoe Truckee Regional Homeless Action Plan

For over 20 years, various entities such as Nevada County, Placer County, Sierra Community House, North Tahoe-Truckee Homeless Services, and faith-based partners, as well as many others, have been providing homelessness services in the Tahoe Truckee region. As the number of unhoused individuals grew in the region over the past five years1, it became clear that a more coordinated plan, grounded in specific regional data and agreed-upon objectives, was needed to address the issue. In 2023, with funding from the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation and other state resources, the Tahoe Truckee Homeless Advisory Committee became an official project of the Homeless Resource Council of the Sierras (HRCS), the nonprofit governing body over the Placer and Nevada County Continuums of Care (CoCs). The establishment of this official committee represents the beginning of the action planning process.

Advisory Committee Chairs

Thank you to the Tahoe Truckee Homeless Advisory Committee who developed the Tahoe Truckee Regional Homeless Action Plan.

Planning Team

Advisory Committee Members


Homeless Resource Council

of the Sierras

P.O. Box 130

Auburn, CA 95604

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Homeless Resource Council of the Sierras
P.O. Box 130

Auburn, CA 95604

© 2025 Homeless Resource Council of the Sierras

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